How to Deal with I2C LCD 16x2 and Arduino

I2C LCD 16x2 module is controller module for LCD 16x2 which is dealing with I2C/IIC (Inter Integrated Circuit) synchronous serial protocol. In other reference, I2C protocol often called as TWI (Two Wire Interface). Normally, the LCD module is controlled by parallel lines of data and control paths. However, parallel lines will take a lot of pins on controller side (e.g. Arduino), at least you will need 6 or 7 pin for controlling an LCD module. Thus for a ‘busy’ controller and have to control a lot of I/Os, using parallel paths is incorrect solutions.

For example, an Arduino Uno board has 13 digital pins. If you use a half to control LCD module means you only have about 6 or 7 alternative pins for controlling other devices, such as DC motors, light sensors, keypads, or other I/O devices. So by changing the LCD control path from parallel to serial (I2C), then you will only need a 2-wire line alone (plus a ground cable) to communicate with LCD module.

I2C LCD 16x2 - Arduino Communication Protocol

Arduino already supports I2C communication protocol. In Arduino Uno board, I2C ports are located on A4 pin for line SDA (Serial Data) and A5 pin for SCL (Serial Clock). Please don’t forget to connect ground (GND) wire between Arduino and I2C device. At software side, Arduino’s built in library help us to deal with this protocol. This library is named 'Wire.h' and will be used to convert parallel data lines into the I2C LCD module. You can manually do it, but if you don’t want to be bothered, you can easily do so using ‘LiquidCrystal_I2C.h’ library (along with ‘LCD.h’ library). You can download both libraries for free here and here.

There is no LCD module that has I2C port (at least I have not found). Thus, we will continue to use common LCD module (data communications in parallel path), but we'll convert it using I2C converter module as shown in picture below.

This converter is powered by PCF8574 chip as controller which is a shift register actually. For data communication flow, indicated by the figure below

I2C LCD 16x2 - Arduino Wiring 

While wiring circuit is shown by picture below.

I2C LCD 16x2 - Arduino Sketch

For firmware side, you should simply define ‘LiquidCrystal_I2C.h’ library at the top of your sketch. Furthermore, the entire function contained in this library can optimize your work. Here is an example of Arduino sketch to display some text in LCD 16x2 module with the intermediaries of PCF8574 I2C converter.

#include <Wire.h>
#include <LCD.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd (0x27,2,1,0,4,5,6,7);//0x27= default address of I2C module

void setup ()
  lcd.begin (16,2); // LCD 16x2
  lcd.setBacklightPin (3 POSITIVE);
  lcd.setBacklight (HIGH);

void loop ()
lcd.clear ();
  lcd.home (); // Set the cursor to 0,0
lcd.print ( "Hello World");
lcd.setCursor (0.1);
  lcd.print ( "");
  delay (1000);
  lcd.setBacklight (LOW); // Backlight off
  delay (250);
  lcd.setBacklight (HIGH); // Backlight on
  delay (1000);

You need to look at line [1-3] is used to define Wire.h, LCD.h and LiquidCrystal_I2C.h library. Second library is mandatory if you will deal with I2C LCD. Furthermore, we need to create an instance of 'lcd' in class of 'LiquidCrystal_I2C' library. Notice that parameters of this class show I2C module address, control and data parameters. For module address, it uses 27H (0x27) as default. Why it uses 27H as default address and how to change it if you interface with more than one I2C module converter, will explained in next tutorial J

Next we need to initialize the LCD module within the block void setup. Notice in this block, we define LCD that we use is ‘16x2’ type, then we set the brightness/backlight. In next line we will clean the LCD display, toward to (0, 0) coordinates of LCD, write down "Hello Word” display text to the LCD, set the cursor to the coordinates (0, 1) which means column 0, row 1 (the second row of LCD), displays '' text, and gave the little animation effects by turning on and off the backlight.
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